May 18, 2010

Team Bio - Bryan

Name: Bryan Reese
Occupation: Real Estate Sales Guru
Nickname: Reese, reeses-pieces, beasley, beasters, beast of the east, b-reesonable, un-reesonable, in-decisive, whirlwind
Bio: "I like everything that you dont like. including but not limited too smoking monkey poo, taking dung baths, filling my bed with sand, walking around with tighty whities on the outside of my pants, not wearing any pants, not wearing any shoes, and making fun of people that wear crocs. I often times wake on the kitchen floor and dont know how i got there."

But on the real, I care about delivering babies in parking lots (i did that once, seriously) I care about helping the homeless in my area and hooking them up with my old clothes. I care about inventing things that make it easier for all of humankind, like a GPS that tells you when there is traffic or shoes for people with no shoes or hair for the balding.

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